CampLoc is a four-day conference-style program that also holds virtual events that are organized as a collaborative effort between MIIS students, professors, and sponsoring organizations which focuses on the localization industry as a whole and aims to create opportunities for discussion between those currently in the field, and those just entering it. CampLoc is the student-run brainchild of MIIS Translation and Localization Management (TLM) studies students seeking to experience the localization industry first hand: students who are craving more knowledge, students who want to take every single opportunity to come face to face with the challenges, opportunities, and futures that are awaiting them in the near future.
The TLM program boasts “hands-on courses in translation, management, and technology (that) are designed to develop highly marketable skills with a strong foundation in cross-cultural understanding and communication.” This forum is a direct extension of and evolution of this concept. While highlighting different companies and scales for our students to explore, the forum will include workshops, lectures, tours of facilities, alumni events, and collaborative events with organizations. This forum will act as a means to further develop students but also develop and foster MIIS’ connections with these organizations in person or virtually. CampLoc is more than just a spring conference but a host that allows for virtual connection as well. It is a chance for students to feel like they are a part of the localization field, for businesses to show students the different aspects of the field, and last but not least, to bolster and foster the growth of the l10n and i18n fields as a whole.
For more information, check out the website or visit their LinkedIn page!